Our Specials & Subscriptions
$75 - Less than 1100 sqft.
3, 6, 12 monthly options
3 rooms/areas
- Auto-Renewal on the 1st of each month
For Example:
Kitchen: Clean exterior appliances, clean kitchen sink, clean exposed countertops, vacuum and mop floors
Bathroom: clean interior and exterior toilet, clean bathroom sink, clean exposed countertops, vacuum and mop floors
Primary Bedroom: dust ceiling fan(if applicable), clean exposed countertops, dust the front of the blinds, vacuum
$100 - 1101-1500 sqft.
3, 6, 12 monthly options
3 rooms/areas
- Auto-Renewal on the 1st of each month
For Example:
Kitchen: Clean exterior appliances, clean kitchen sink, clean exposed countertops, vacuum and mop floors
Bathroom: clean interior and exterior toilet, clean bathroom sink, clean exposed countertops, vacuum and mop floors
Primary Bedroom: dust ceiling fan(if applicable), clean exposed countertops, dust the front of the blinds, vacuum
$125 - 1501-2000 sqft.
3, 6, 12 monthly options
3 rooms/areas
- Auto-Renewal on the 1st of each month
For Example:
Kitchen: Clean exterior appliances, clean kitchen sink, clean exposed countertops, vacuum and mop floors
Bathroom: clean interior and exterior toilet, clean bathroom sink, clean exposed countertops, vacuum and mop floors
Primary Bedroom: dust ceiling fan(if applicable), clean exposed countertops, dust the front of the blinds, vacuum
Greater Kansas City Area
Mon-Sun: 9am - 6pm